
Wiki page by khorben on 10/09/2014 01:45:59
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+++ /var/www/	2014/09/22 10:28:28	1.4
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 <a name="EdgeBSD-6"></a>
-<h2>EdgeBSD 6</h2>
+<h2>EdgeBSD 6 (stable)</h2>
 <p>EdgeBSD 6 is available as a continuous release, and can be downloaded at <a href="" title="Index of /pub/EdgeBSD/EdgeBSD-6"></a>.</p>
 <p>Alternatively, a list of <a href="/edgebsd/wiki/16/mirrors" title="EdgeBSD Mirrors">mirrors</a> is available.</p>
 <p>It uses <a href="" title="Index of /pub/pkgsrc/packages/EdgeBSD/EdgeBSD-6">signed binary packages</a> from pkgsrc's pkgsrc-2013Q1 branch, maintained and updated continuously for security fixes.</p>
 <a name="EdgeBSD-7"></a>
-<h2>EdgeBSD 7</h2>
-<p>EdgeBSD 7 is in progress and should be available soon.</p>
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+<h2>EdgeBSD 7 (testing)</h2>
+<p>EdgeBSD 7 is available as a continuous release, and can be downloaded at <a href="" title="Index of /pub/EdgeBSD/EdgeBSD-7"></a>.</p>
+<p>Alternatively, a list of <a href="/edgebsd/wiki/16/mirrors" title="EdgeBSD Mirrors">mirrors</a> is available.</p>
+<p>Updated binary packages for EdgeBSD 7 are not available yet, but the packages for <a href="EdgeBSD-6">EdgeBSD 6</a> can be used with EdgeBSD 7.</p>
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1.4 (diff)khorben
1.3 (diff)khorben
1.2 (diff)khorben